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herneeds this is how i intend on celebrating the loss of my girlongirl virginity any other girls who want to join the party are welco
Stulpicani Igwe: herneeds this is how i intend on celebrating the loss of my girlongirl virginity any other girls who want to join the party are welco

So, I tried this before and I met someoneand he seemed like a very nice man. We were really comfortable with each other and all seemed well until,boom! I got the speech about how it wasnt me,there was just some unresolved issues. Yeah! And so I ask, can you really find something real, or is there someone ready to date out there? Are there any old fashioned men left at all. Men who are true to their word, men who will respect women, not just thier bodies but their minds too? Are you still there?

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